Saturday, April 28, 2012

What the...

Yes we are on the right side of the road...

On the way to smoky mountains

Prob no net there so will post on the road- we will hopefully camp 6 miles N of Cherokee North Carolina.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Georga Swamps and Savanna

Hi y'all We camped last night in a Georgia Swamp Okefenoki ( and went for a boat ride round some of it. Lots of interesting Wildlife, and I attach two 'gator pics! Actually the gators are all over this part of US and would be around Wallaby and Quest air too. We also saw White and Blue Herons and little cricket frogs and turtles. Later on we saw lots of mosquitoes, trying to carry the RV off... We went out for a crepuscular explore and abandoned it 'coz of the mozzies. Today we drove to near Savanna and camped at a KOA (big campground) to drop the glider off - then drove into Savanna, where we did a hop on/off trolley bus tour and a bit of an explore. Quite an interesting place which survived the ravages of various wars because its so pretty. It's made up of little squares with small parks, I mean really small, not normal US size! 24 squares survive, and one of the squares we walked thru is where Forest Gump was filmed with his box of chocolates! Actually a lot of films have been set here because it has interesting buildings and scenery. I did take some pics but not processed them yet. Dave

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Gator Tails

This little guy was on the menu and although not strictly a vegetarian dish i deciced to give it a try. Delicious - tastes a bit like Croc. Hope he's not on my breath today as we are about to visit a reserve where the rest of his family lives!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

A school bus!

They really do all look like this! Also, when it stops and puts the stop signs out, BOTH sides of the highway- all lanes must stop.

Glider mostly readied now, some minor but important repairs to RV; might have to leave Wallaby Ranch soon...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wallaby Ranch

Parked up at Wallaby for the night. Malcolm let Allan Store his glider here for a few months, and it's such a cool place you can't go past without dropping in to say hi!

Lots of great little houses people have constructed over the years. Malcolm built this about 15yrs ago for his daughter to play in- still looks great!

On the road

Everything set to go , we hope...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Check Flight

Allan had check flight at Tampa Bay Soaring at zephyrhills . Guess what was in the box! Not this actually, but the Ls8 is really nice .

Going for a check flight!

We are off to Zephrhills so Allan can have mandatory check flight; hopefully the weather will clear up?